Section Voluyak - Hrabarsko
Contractor: Consortium "RAILWAY 2012-2016" - Vodstroy 98 AD
Executor: Infrastructure Construction AD
Contract Date: November 14, 2016
Act 15 Date: May 10, 2017

Project Description
Emergency repair of railway track following a derailment, using second-hand materials type 49 provided by the Contractor, from km 14+038 to km 26+864 with a length of 12826m in the Voluyak-Hrabarsko section on the 6th railway line.
Construction of 2nd category, Group 1.
Lower and upper construction of the railway track: Clearing trees and bushes to provide access to the railway track; Leveling access areas to the railway track; Lifting and displacing the old railway track; Excavating the ballast prism to lower the lower edge of the sleeper by 10cm; Complete excavation of the ballast prism with transportation in the vicinity of the facilities; Shaping and compacting the subgrade in the sections of complete excavation of the ballast prism; Profiling the ballast bed with a motor grader; Modification of stiffened links in stations for laying the railway track; Disassembling the old railway track on-site; Disassembling the old railway track in the MDV (Materials Distribution Base); Collecting old sleepers and transporting them to the depot; Loading ballast into hopper wagons; Second-leveling of the railway track;
Cross-drainage and planning of slopes;
Restoring earth ditches; Cleaning protective channels; Cutting rails and drilling holes; Making double-blade sleepers; Demolition and installation of wooden crossing decking; Small structures - Clearing debris and transport with dump trucks;
Signaling Equipment Part - Tracing, excavation, and subgrade preparation, cable laying;
Demolition and installation of traffic lights, signs, chokes, transformers, ropes, and KERV (Wheel Force Measuring System) boxes, axle counters; Commissioning, regulation, and testing of the Power Supply Unit (APU);
Telecommunications Part - Excavation, laying of cables for temporary routing; Excavation, laying of other cables for route restoration;
Supply of Materials Part - Joint bolts, tie plates, and spikes; materials for the Site and Equipment (SiT) part.