Section Visoka Polyana – Hitrino
Contracting Authority: State Enterprise "National Railway Infrastructure Company" (NRIC) Contractor: Infrastructure Construction AD Contract: № 11905 / 30.03.2023 Value: 26,066,609.19 BGN excluding VAT Project: "Mechanized renewal of the railway track in the section 'Visoka Polyana – Hitrino,' 13,520 meters" Start Date: 05.03.2024 Act 15: 11.12.2024
Текущи дейности
The Vysoka Polyana – Hitrino interchange is located on the ninth main railway line Ruse – Kaspichan.
For restoration of normal operation in the interstation Vysoka Polyana – Hitrino from km 96+030 (start of switch No. 1 at Vysoka Polyana station on the existing mileage), up to km 109+550 on the existing mileage (coinciding with the point of “linking” of the forthcoming repair in the interstation Vysoka Polyana – Hitrino with the repair in Hitrino station, corresponding to km 109+436 of the accepted project by the Employer for Hitrino station), with a length of 13 520 m on the 9th railway line, is planned and executed:
А. On the Iron Road part
- Design;
- Delivery of materials;
- Mechanized renewal of the rail-track grating, including dismantling, dismantling, stacking and removal of the dismantled track, installation, transport and laying of new track with rails type 60 kg/m, sleepers CT-6, baseless elastic fastening SKL-14, ballast prism alignment, strengthening of the track after laying;
- Mechanized ballast prism screening;
- Loading of hopper wagons, addlasting and making leveling;
- Construction of an abandonment-free track;
- Replacement of 3 pieces of the existing crossover with resilient pavement for Type 60 rail-track grating;
- Construction of a new platform with a length of 56 m and a new shelter at the Baikovo stop;
- Reconstruction and extension of 22 culverts;
- Construction of new ditches type LPS, BC and ECT – 5587 m;
- Making earth ditches – 9090 m;
- Cleaning and restoration of drainage structures, banks, re-cutting and shaping of berms and slopes;
- Grading within the easement;
- Basic clearing and uprooting of shrubs and trees;
Б. By part Contact network
- Design;
- Delivery of materials;
- Erection of pillar type SBMK 57/11,15 – 325 pcs;
- Uprighting of pillar MH25/12 – 38 pcs;
- Erection of pole MA1- 1 pc;
- Installation of the anchors – 40 pcs;
- Installation of new gauge frames on the crossings – 6 pcs;
- Replacement of carrier rope – 15,339 km;
- Replacement of the contact wire Cu ETP 100mm2 – 15,339 km;
- A new reverse feeder type AC 185 mm2 shall be withdrawn;
- Replacement of strings and string terminals with equipotential -15,339 km;
- Installation of new consoles – 346 pcs;
- Replacement of three-roll compensators with new gas compensators – 28pcs;
- An existing long neutral insert is processed into a short one;
- Replacement of transformer installations with new ones on new poles, installed independently, with new transformers – single-phase, dry-standing with solid insulation.
Expected effect of the construction:
By carrying out the track repair in accordance with the technical standards for maintenance and repair, the security and safety of train movements and their reliability are guaranteed, ensuring:
- The management of train operations on the railway infrastructure in compliance with safety, reliability and security requirements ensuring reliable operation;
- Speed conditions to ensure a sustainable timetable of trains and increasing speeds on a book timetable;
- Traffic capacity allowing efficient use of the railway network;
- Lowering the cost of ongoing maintenance of the railway and facilities;
- Improving the parameters of the railway:
- Ensuring better comfort and security of travel.