International Road Connection: Koprivshtitsa - Stryama
Contracting Authority: National Company Railway Infrastructure (NCRI)
Contractor: Consortium "Infrastructure Construction - Geostroy"
Date of Contract: 06.06.2019
Date of Act 15: Under construction

Project Description
Rehabilitation of the railway, artificial structures, facilities, and power supply system of the railway infrastructure between Koprivshtitsa and Stryama from km 100+525 to km 106+337, with a total length of 5812 m on the III-rd railway line.
Construction of 2nd group, 1st category.
I. Activities for preparing projects for the "Railway" part, "Contact Network" part, and "Signaling, Telecommunications, and Power Supply" part.
II. Activities for the execution of construction works for the "Railway" part, including:
• Lower construction works of the railway - construction of drainage ditches; installation of a drainage system; excavation of the existing ballast prism and transport to the depot; laying of a concrete slab;
• Upper construction works of the railway: dismantling of the rail-traversing switch, laying of railway tracks with new type 60 rails, non-threaded elastic fastening, and construction of a non-ballast track with the necessary neutralizations;
• Works on major structures: implementation of complete waterproofing of the tunnel, execution of waterproofing of joints between the arches;
III. Activities for the execution of construction works for the "Contact Network" part, including: Replacement of catenary and contact network, dismantling of the existing ones, and adjustment of the contact conductor after the first, second, and third leveling;
IV. Activities for the execution of construction works for the "Signaling and Telecommunications" part, including - installation of tunnel lighting; platform lighting construction; installation of point heating; preservation of existing cable routes;
V. Activities for conducting author's supervision for the "Railway" part, "Contact Network" part, and "Signaling, Telecommunications, and Power Supply" part.
By carrying out the railway repair in accordance with the technical norms for maintenance and repair, safety and security of train movement and their reliability will be ensured, providing:
• Traffic capacity, enabling efficient use of directions in the railway network. Increase of the throughput capacity in the Koprivshtitsa-Stryama section by restoring the design speed;
• Train operation management in the railway infrastructure, while complying with safety, reliability, and security requirements, ensuring reliable operation;
• Speed conditions guaranteeing a stable train schedule;
• Travel comfort to maintain and attract customers;